The Scarlet Paper
A Woman is a Dangerous Thing To Waste...
Monday, June 14, 2004

I may be going out on a limb here, but has anyone else noticed how we are unifying the crazy Muslims in this world that hate us? By doing so, does that make it easier for the crazy Christians to point to a target on the map to drop bombs on? We had it relatively easy with the cold war, Russia was a giant bloc that was easily identifiable on a map. As Condy Rice was happy to state in her 9/11 testimony, the United States was no longer separated by oceans (which is something that we realized after WWII I believe, not after 9/11 and if she just figured it out on 9/11 then she's got bigger problems). We had an "evil empire" to point to, something identifiable. Not this weird ideology or emotion-driven collection of warriors. I wonder if Bush in all of his comic book lingo and religious delusion is trying to make it so that we can have an easily identifiable enemy once again. We had Iraq, now Syria and Iran. Saudi Arabia, despite having our precious, bubbling crude, is no longer safe for Americans and our government has issued a warning for all American citizens to leave that country. So now what? Bush said he was a unifier and he was right. I just wish that he could channel all of his energy into something more positive. In a way that will not bring on some horrible nuclear apocalypse.

In other news, Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore is coming out next week. I will be there and I will write a full review of the film. I am trying to be partial, but I am already giddy with anticipation after seeing the preview. Check it out for yourself. Fahrenheit 9/11

Luckily I am old enough to see the film. Apparently if you are under 17, good luck sneaking in. US film Board Rules 'Fahrenheit 9/11' Unsuitable for Teens, Sparks Protest

It's nice also to see that some diplomats and government officials are jumping on the "Down with Bush" bandwagon. Retired Officials Say Bush Must Go
Hearing their opposition is great, but really what good does it do in the long run? These are retired officials! They can afford to speak out. What I really want to see, what would really fill me with the spirit of the great pumpkin, would be to see Colin Powell come out. I was a little naive. I didn't realize how deeply embedded he was in the evil system. It hurts me to see what a prick his son Michael is now that he is in charge of the FCC. Very convenient since Mr. Secretary of State used to work for AOL and made $4 million dollars on the AOL/Time Warner merger. Funny how there was no opposition from his son at the FCC over that monopolizing merger, but what can you do, family sticks together.

This week though on Meet the Press he called some terrorist statistics wrong, even though he did oddly admit, you "can't cook the books now." Now. Great. You are giving me such confidence in your character, Colin. He has been teetering on the edge of dissent for quite some time. So here is an open letter to Mr. Colin Powell:

Dear Colin,

Jump, Colin, Jump. Fall into the warm embrace of the American People that would forgive you if you would just give us the sweet truth we desire. Implicate yourself, come clean, wash away the stench of conservative republicans that clings to you like the smell of vomit on a mid-summer subway car. Tell us everything you know, bring down the president, his goonies, the whole shebang. Ride into Iraq on a great white stallion of justice and save the soldiers you once thought of as your family. Swim in a tide of overwhelming pride for our armed forces, in compassion for their plight and their families, in sorrow for their wounds and losses.

Remember the boy who clawed his way out of the Bronx, who had a community of aunts and uncles and extended family that watched out for him, the way they used to in the good old days. Remember too, the children of today who have none of those wonderful people to make sure they did better and worked harder to stay on the straight and narrow. Think of the children, that's right children, that joined the army to escape the same ghetto that you escaped from, to pay for college, to find a better life for their families instead of being in a senseless, imperialistic war that lines the pockets of white men that keep you around in order to gain some kind of affirmative action street credibility. They have wealth that you will never see in this lifetime, a blue that pumps through their veins that you or your children will never acquire because you were not born with the birthright of a silver spoon in your mouth.

Remember the American citizens who had faith in you, people like myself that stood dumbfounded as we watched you remain silent when this court appointed president waged a war you knew was wrong. Remember us, gain inspiration from us and for us.


The Scarlet Pimp

posted at # 7:16 PM by Deanne


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"A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water."- Eleanor Roosevelt

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"We can do no great things-only small things with great love."- Mother Teresa

"You must be the change you wish to see in this world."-Mohandas Gandhi

"Fear not those who argue but those who dodge." - Marie Ebner von Eschenbach

"People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant."- Helen Keller

"I am not afraid of the pen, or the scaffold, or the sword. I will tell the truth wherever I please." - Mother Jones

"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman."- Virginia Woolf

"They don't negotiate with terrorists, they invest in them!" - Randi Rhodes

"I won't be disillusioned because I was never illusioned." - Milton Mayer


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