The Scarlet Paper
A Woman is a Dangerous Thing To Waste...
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Here is an article that might make blaring alarms go off in your head.
Senate Hopes to Get Intelligence Bill Passed.

Why must the intelligence budget remain a secret? I am all for getting more border guards and "banning from the United States aliens who participated in overseas torture or killings and foreign officials who ordered or participated in genocide or severe violations of religious freedoms" even if our own army has participated recently in overseas tortures and killings, it works in theory that everything is black and white, good and evil, you praticipate in genocide because you are bad and you participate in Abu Ghraib because...never mind. What national threat does knowing how much your government is spending on "intelligence" pose? I can't imagine some terrorist is sitting on the fence about whether to bomb an embassy or the Statue of Liberty and finding out that we spend a billion dollars is going to push him over the edge.
Once again I am dissapointed in the sheep known as the Senate that follow along with whatever the president says like when they voted for the patriot act without even reading it. I guess it's to be expected now. The democrats have lost their fight and there is no one left to represent the people effectively.

Remember John Kerry? Where the fuck is he now? He's been particularly quiet.

I fear that rallying cries for the people and the democratic party are falling on deaf ears. D is for Democracy, T is for...?

Other interesting news is the exodus from the Bush administration, Ashcroft, Evans... could Powell be far behind? Rumors have already begun and for his sake I hope so. I still have a weird soft spot for Colin Powell even though I know you don't get that high up on the Bush ladder without getting your hands dirty. However this administration really fucked over Powell's reputation. He was respected by the global community and after giving that WMD speech at the UN he's got nothing. Powell: U.S. Will Pursue Aggressive Foreign Policy
What is interesting in this article is the fact that Powell states:
"The president is not going to trim his sails or pull back," Powell told the newspaper. "It's a continuation of his principles, his policies, his beliefs."
Sounds like C-Rock is distancing himself from the Bush administration - "his principles, his policies, his beliefs." Get out while you can!
Read this on the exodus: Ashcroft, Evans first to resign from cabinet."
It says that not only is Colin Powell possibly leaving, but Condy Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and Tommy Thompson. What does that mean for the Bush administration? One can only imagine.

posted at # 5:48 AM by Deanne


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"A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water."- Eleanor Roosevelt

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"Fear not those who argue but those who dodge." - Marie Ebner von Eschenbach

"People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant."- Helen Keller

"I am not afraid of the pen, or the scaffold, or the sword. I will tell the truth wherever I please." - Mother Jones

"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman."- Virginia Woolf

"They don't negotiate with terrorists, they invest in them!" - Randi Rhodes

"I won't be disillusioned because I was never illusioned." - Milton Mayer


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